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Oil Filters

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TempestTM Oil Filters 

The best oil filters in the industry at the lowest price! 

  • Strengthened can
  • Increased Burst strength
  • Full pleat media designed for uniform flow and collapse resistance
  • Spin EZ­® lubricant for easy removal of the filter
  • Better by-pass value

Improved Nut Welds
Nut welds so strong the can will tear before the weld. No more frustration with installation nuts twisting off! 

Meets TCM Bypass Specification of 12-14 psi, reducing the risk of premature bypass that can result in unfiltered oil flowing to your engine.

Burst Strength of 600 psi
Significant improvements to the roll seam process used on the bottom of the can substantially improved the design burst strength to over 600 pounds per square inch, exceeding the ARP 1400 standards by 50 percent. Extra strength gives added assurance that Tempest oil filters are made to withstand the harshest operating conditions.

Non-Stick Gaskets
Incorporate specially lubricated synthetic rubber base gaskets to help insure proper torque during installation and easy removal. 

Please note: The proprietary Magnet Inspection Aid for SPIN EZ Oil Filters is no longer available. Please see the Press Release for more information. 


Oil Filter

Overall Dimensions


Installation Torque


4 3/8" H x 3 3/4" Dia. 

13/16-16 Female 

16-18 FT LBS 


6 3/16" H x 3 3/4" Dia.  

13/16-16 Female 

16-18 FT LBS 


4 3/8" H x 3 3/4" Dia. 

3/4-16 Female

16-18 FT LBS 


6 3/16" H x 3 3/4" Dia.  

3/4-16 Female 

16-18 FT LBS 


4 3/8" H x 3 3/4" Dia. 

3/4-16 Male 

16-18 FT LBS 

Note: All Cessna aircraft modified under Cessna Service bulletin SEB-93-1 or MEB-93-1 require Tempest Oil Filter AA48108. The AA48109 may be used if clearance permits installation.

AeroShell OilCamGuard, and SAFE-HEET™ engine heaters also available. 

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