McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

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X Category: Universal Joints, Piper Aircraft

Control Yoke Universal Joints

Now stainless steel for longer life!

AD 2010-15-10 requires inspection of the connection between the control yoke universal joint and the shaft on the forward (engine) end of the joint. This inspection is a convenient time to replace worn out u-joints. McFarlane has created kits including the u-joint, shaft, taper pins, taper reamer, drill bit and other hardware to help comply with this AD, all at a fraction of the cost of buying the parts from Piper.

A universal joint attaches to each control yoke shaft behind the instrument panel. Replacement of the universal joint is recommended if any free motion or rust around the joint pivots is detected.

Piper aircraft models PA28, PA32, PA34 and PA44:

Contact McFarlane to have your replacement CA62834-802SS U-joints precision match drilled and avoid having to re-rig the control system.

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