McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts
What causes the paint to come off the prop after PROP GUARD installation?
Why is PROP GUARD clear?
Why is PROP GUARD glossy instead of flat? A satin or flat finish would match the flat black on the back of the propeller.
Will PROP GUARD degrade propeller performance?
Will PROP GUARD protect my propeller from damage caused by a big rock?
I frequently need to replace my Dry Air Pump. What could be causing this?
Is an overhauled Dry Air Pump as good as a new pump?
Should I use a cooling shroud on my dry air pump?
What procedures should be taken when replacing a failed pump?
When I start my engine the vacuum gauge reads zero vacuum, but as the engine RPM increases, the gauge will indicate vacuum. What causes this?
Can PowerUp aftermarket parts be mixed with Champion Slick parts?
Can Premier parts be painted?
How do I clean and sanitize a McFarlane Push-Pull Control?
How do I trim my engine control to length?
I purchased a laser engraved knob and the thickness of the marking is very shallow. What kind of wear resistance can I expect?
My Vernier-Assist Mixture control came apart during installation or maintenance. Can it be put back together?
My Vernier-Assist Throttle control came apart during installation or maintenance. Can it be put back together?
What is the minimum bend radius for my engine control?
Why is my new engine control too long/short?
Can I install SAFE-HEET on an induction box/Plenum?

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