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Product Search Results for "Cooling Shroud Kit"

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Oil Drain Valve Adapters and Openers 
Used with CCA-2450 and CCA-2460 oil drain valves to adapt to Rotax and Jaribu engines.
Adapters are for non-certified aircraft only.

Part Number Thread Material Notes
AN8-INV   2011 Aluminum Christin inverted oil system
AN10-INV   2011 Aluminum Christin inverted oil system
CCA-2470 12MM 1.75 Aluminum Rotax 90-degree adapter for CCA-2450 oil drain valve
CCA-2474 12MM 1.75 Aluminum Rotax oil tank adapter for late models with CCA-2450
CCA-2480 1/2-20 UNF Aluminum Jaribu 90-degree adapter for CCA-2460 oil drain valve
F50-90     Opener - attaches at a 90 degree angle from valve
F50-180     Opener - attaches straight out of the valve
M1290B 1/2-20 UNF 2011 Aluminum Banjo Bolt, Rotax for S5020J oil drain valve
M1490B 1/2-20 UNF 2011 Aluminum Banjo Bolt, Volkswagen for S5020J oil drain valve
RM12175   2011 Aluminum Rotax, Oil must be used on all new oil tanks being produced by Rotax as they changed the internal design on the tank requiring an adapter to use an oil drain valve.
S5090B 1/2-20 UNF 2011 Aluminum Banjo Bolt, Jabaru for S5020J oil drain valve
S6290B 5/8-18 UNF 2011 Aluminum Banjo Bolt, Continental for S6250 oil drain valve

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
F50-90 OPENER, Oil Drain Valve, Low Profile
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
F50-180 OPENER, Oil Drain Valve, Low Profile
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500

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