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Seat Rails for Cessna Aircraft

  • Carefully engineered with many improvements
  • Added strength and longer life
  • Anodized for corrosion and wear resistance
  • Easier installation
  • Full interchangeability with the original Cessna parts

No Pre-Drilled Rivet Holes for Precise Installation
McFarlane seat rails do not have pre-drilled rivet holes in the rail base allowing the installer to exactly match the aircraft floor rivet pattern. McFarlane discovered while installing and developing our replacement seat rails that the seat rail attachment hole pattern was not consistent from aircraft to aircraft. Even small inconsistencies in the hole locations in the aircraft floor make installation of new seat rails very difficult. For this reason, McFarlane does not pre-drill rivet holes at the factory. (Existing stock may have a few pilot attachment holes drilled at the factory.) This allows the installer to precisely locate the attachment holes to match the holes in the aircraft floor. All special sized or machined attachment holes are machined to finish dimensions. It is necessary to replace all fasteners when the seat rails are installed.

More Material in the Right Places
After studying countless worn and failed seat rails McFarlane's rails were designed with 15% more metal in critical areas. The result is more crack resistance, durability, strength and longer life.

McFarlane Seat Rail

Cessna Seat Rail 

Installation Tip:
The aircraft floor is subject to corrosion from moisture under seat rails. Be sure to remove and treat any corrosion before installing the new seat rails.

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
MC2611060-14 SEAT TRACK ASSY, Center $1818.09
MC2611060-14S SEAT TRACK ASSY, Center, Undrilled $1890.95
MC2613039-1 SEAT RAIL, Pilot & Copilot
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
MC2613039-1S SEAT RAIL, Pilot & Copilot
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
MC2613039-4 SEAT RAIL, Pilot & Copilot
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
MC2613039-4S SEAT RAIL, Pilot & Copilot, Undrilled
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500

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