McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

Product Search Results for "Cooling Shroud Kit"

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X Category: McFarlane Shimmy Dampener Assembly and Components

Family of Shimmy Dampeners
  • Improved design for consisten dampening action
  • Temperature compensated hydraulics
  • 5x more dampening action than the Lord throw-away rubber dampener!
  • Fully repairable

MC0442512-1 For Cessna 150, 152, 172, 175, and 182
MC0743624-1 For Cessna 182K through 182T
MC0743621-2 For Cessna 206, 207, 210 - Coming Soon

To repair your original fluid dampener, go to Seal and Repair Kits.

For dampener replacement parts, go to Shimmy Dampener Components.   

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
1525 PISTON, Floating, Shimmy Dampener $52.30
1530 TOOL, Extraction, Floating Piston Shimmy $17.58
1532 SEAL, Screw $8.59
MC0743624-2 ASSEMBLY, Shimmy Dampener
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
7463 BARREL $368.64
7465 PISTON $113.42
7845 QUAD RING, -112 $7.53
7846 QUAD RING, -214 $7.53
7847 WIPER $7.52
MC0743624-1 ASSEMBLY, Shimmy Dampener
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
MC0442512-1 ASSEMBLY, Shimmy Dampener
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500

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