McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

Product Search Results for "Cooling Shroud Kit"

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X Category: EGT/TIT Leads

Alcor Leads

  • High quality stranded material for flexibility and long life
    (cheapy single stranded leads are prone to break)
  • Used to attach a thermocouple probe to a gauge
  • Must be of the same type as the thermocouple
    (e.g. A type K probe must use type K leads)

Save with complete kits!

EGT/TIT Leads:

  • Each length has a different resistance
  • Total resistance of the lead and the probe must match the calibration of the gauge
  • Choose replacement leads based on the calibration of the existing gauge
  • For a new system, choose leads based on the distance from the probe to the gauge and choose a gauge with the corresponding calibration.

EGT Type K Red and Yellow 





4.34 +/- .08 Ohms 



2.71 +/- .06 Ohms 



6.52 +/- .11 Ohms 



7.25 +/- .12 Ohms 


Calibration note:
EGT gauges with relative lean to peak markings may be easily recalibrated in flight per the instructions provided with the gauge. TIT, CHT and EGT gauges with True Temperature markings must either be recalibrated with an Alcal System Tester or returned to Alcor for recalibration if the total lead and probe resistance does not match the gauge calibration.

Digital or amplified gauges from other manufacturers are not sensitive to lead resistance, therefore leads may be shortened as needed for these applications without requiring recalibration.

EGT in a Nutshell 

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
42523 EGT LEAD ADAPTER $11.58
42525 EGT LEADS 90" TYPE K $55.62
42526 EGT LEADS 144" TYPE K $68.26
42527 EGT LEADS 240" TYPE K $97.28
42528 EGT LEADS 216" TYPE K $95.97
98211 WIRE, BULK TYPE K $0.57

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