McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

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Plane-Power Alternators

Alternators are the product of years of research, development and intensive testing. Each component has been engineered, developed, tested and re-tested exclusively for use in general aviation aircraft. As a result of these efforts, Plane-Power Alternators offer significant improvements over legacy aircraft alternator offerings including:

  • Substantially higher power at lower engine RPMs
  • Significantly less heat while producing rated power
  • Rated power at typical aircraft cruise RPMs
  • Vastly improved balancing drastically reduces bracket failure
  • Greater reliability for significantly increased service life
  • Weigh up to four pounds less

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
$1593.01 + $200.00 Core Charge
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
$1965.09 + $200.00 Core Charge
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
$4503.23 + $200.00 Core Charge

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