McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

Product Search Results for "Cooling Shroud Kit"

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New, Rebuilt, and Overhauled Carburetors

As the only manufacturer of MSA carburetors, Marvel-Schebler provides airframe and engine manufacturers, and the flying community with a complete line of new, rebuilt and overhauled carburetors. Marvel-Schebler uses solid epoxy floats that no longer allow fuel absorption or leaks, making them safer and more reliable.

Installation gaskets are included with each carburetor.

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
286-1632 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-4233 MA-3SPA
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
286-1637 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-4978-1 MA-3PA
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
286-1638 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-5082 MA-3SPA
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
286-1640 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-5050 MA-3PA
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286-1643 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-4404 MA-4-5
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286-1645 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-4218-1 MA-6AA
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
286-1646 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-5042 MA-4-5
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
286-1647 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-5054 MA-4-5
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286-1650 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-3103-1 MA-3A
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286-1654 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-3859-1 MA-4-5
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
286-1660 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-4171 MA-4-5
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286-1661 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-4164-1 MA-4-5
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286-1662 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-3856-12 MA-4-5
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286-1664 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-4865 MA-5
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286-1667 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-4654 MA-3SPA
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286-1668 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-4910 MA-4SPA
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286-1669 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-4893-1 MA-4-5
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286-1670 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-3878 MA-4-5
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
286-1672 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-5126 MA-3PA
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
286-1673 REPAIR KIT, Deluxe, 10-5128 MA-3SPA
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500

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