McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

Product Search Results for "Cooling Shroud Kit"

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 (866) 717-1117
World's Largest MT-Propeller Distributor 
Whether you're a backcountry pilot, mainline carrier, flight instructor, experimental, ferry, aerobatic, or corporate,
MT Propellers will provide you with superior safety, performance, maneuverability, and control. 
Click the images to learn more about the variety of advantages and applications.   
High performance, vibration-free natural composite, and hydraulic propellers available for hundreds of aircraft models.  


The MT Composite Propeller Experience

  • German scimitar airfoil improves thrust, take-off, climb, and cruise
  • Vibration dampening
    • Improves life of engine and avionic components 
    • Reduces maintenance costs
    • Significant inside and outside noise reduction
  • Stainless steel and Nickel-Cobalt Leading edges for superior durability and erosion protection
  • Light-weight
  • Unlimited blade life
  • Reverse option available with select aircraft

STCs for hundreds of aircraft models.


For more information contact our Propeller Specialists at 866-717-1117.

Note: Many different configurations of these props and spinners are in stock. Please call for details and pricing.    


Part Number Description Your Price Stock
P-670-3-80 SPACER KIT $0.000
P-1166 (MTV27R) DEICE KIT MTV-27 $0.000
P-718-3 12V REVERSE KIT 12 VDC $0.000
P-718-7 12V REV INSTALL KIT, 12V $0.000

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