McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

Product Search Results for "Cooling Shroud Kit"

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Standard Composite Spinners

The spinner dome is a single piece part made from fiber reinforced composite (Kevlar®), which replaces the spin formed aluminum alloy used in the earlier days. It is extremely light-weight and crack resistant.

The bulkheads are made from spin formed/die forged aluminum alloy. The front bulkhead is seen as a part of the hub assembly (variable pitch propellers) and also used as attachment point for static balancing weights.

Filler plates increase the stiffness of the dome around the cutouts for the blades. The dome is attached to the bulkhead with stainless steel spinner screws. Composite Spinners are available for every MT-Propeller model. Standard color is white, but custom paint can be requested to match your aircraft.

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
P-718-3 12V REVERSE KIT 12 VDC $0.000
P-718-7 12V REV INSTALL KIT, 12V $0.000

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