McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

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Flight Control Pulleys

We stock all standard MIL-SPEC and Cessna pulleys. 

  • MCS378- Series: Phenolic flight control pulleys with ball bearings. FAA-PMA approved replacements for the Cessna S378, A-/BB-, and NAS383- series pulleys on Cessna Aircraft. They all have quality ball bearings comparable to the S378-3 pulleys; they are much smoother than the cheapy bearings in the S378-3L pulleys.
  • MS20220- Series: Phenolic flight control pulleys with ball bearings. These supersede the AN220- Series pulleys of like dash number.
  • MS20219- Series: Pulley with high pressure laminated phenolic sheave and fixed ball bearing with contact seal. These supersede the AN219- Series pulleys of like dash number.
  • MS20219A Series: Pulley with aluminum alloy sheave and fixed ball bearing with contact seal. Sheave anodized per MIL-A-8625.
  • MS24566- Series: Phenolic flight control pulleys with ball bearings. These supersede the AN210- series pulleys of like dash number.
  • NAS383- Series: Phenolic commercial grade pulleys with graphite impregnated bronze sleeve bearings. These are typically used with a bushing. The MCS378- series pulleys supersede these for most Cessna aircraft applications. The MCS378 pulley replaces both the NAS383 pulley and it's bushing.
  • S394, S1052-1, and S1710-1: Cessna nylon pulleys with no bearings.
  • 1660433- Series: Cessna phenolic pulleys with ball bearings.

For more information go to the McFarlane Pulley Dimension and Supersedure Chart


Convenient Kits

We have a full line of Pulley Kits for Cessna aircraft in stock and ready to ship. The kits contain all pulleys and cotter pins required to replace all flight control system pulleys in one airplane.

Kits save time and money because we have done all of the tedious work to research the part numbers and quantities required for each aircraft. The only thing that you must know is the serial number of your airplane.

Cotter Pins

MS24665 series Cotter Pins are available with the pulley kits or separately in packs of 10 or 25. We stock all cotter pins commonly replaced during pulley installation. 

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
1660433-1 PULLEY
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
1660433-2 PULLEY
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
S1052-1 PULLEY
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
S1710-1 PULLEY
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500

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