McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

Product Search Results for "Cooling Shroud Kit"

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X Category: Screw Kits

McFarlane offers either rivets or screws as convenient kits containing AN and MS hardware. Since it is difficult to install many of the rivets required to attach the seat rail, it is permissible to substitute screws with ultimate tensile strength exceeding 50 ksi with lock nuts provided the holes are ream fit and spotfaced. Each kit contains enough rivets or screws to install four seat rails. Installation hardware items are also available separately.

Note: These kits do not contain all required hardware for Cessna model 177 seat rails.

FAA General Aviation Airworthiness Information Bulletin CE-90-03R2, 08/26/2002 Original Issue 01/16/1991

This alert gives direction for the replacement of seat rails for most Cessna airplanes as required by AD 87-20-03R2.

It advises all owners and operators of the necessity to install all required fasteners when seat rails are being replaced.

Many seat rails are manufactured with pilot holes only and do not contain all holes required for installation of the seat rail in the airplane. It is, therefore, necessary for the installer to assure that there are sufficient holes to accommodate all required fasteners.

Note these recommendations:

  1. When replacing a seat rail, note the number and location of all fastener holes on the seat rail being removed.
  2. Match these holes against the holes in the replacement seat rail. If the replacement seat rail does not have all of the same holes at the same locations, they must be drilled.
  3. Since it is difficult to install many of the rivets required to attach the seat rail, it is permissible to substitute screws with ultimate tensile strength exceeding 50 ksi.

Example of such screws are AN515, AN520, AN525, MS35206, MS35207, MS35214, MS35215, MS35218, MS35219, MS51957 or MS51958 with lock nuts, provided the holes are ream fit and spotfaced.

For further information contact your local FAA office

Spotface Kit

Now modified for rail cap clearance!


  • Contains a tool used with an electric drill to make a flat spot for screws.
  • Cutter comes with three pilots.
  • Components sold as a kit or separately by part number

To view similar products for your aircraft go to Seat Rails and Seat Rail Components.

Custom Seat Rails also available.

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
SR6-SCREW-KT SCREW KIT, Seat Rail Installation
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SR8-SCREW-KT SCREW KIT, Seat Rail Installation
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SR150-SCREW-KT SCREW KIT, Cessna 150-152, Seat Rail
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