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Save $$$ - Repair your fluid dampener with our convenient kits!
Don't buy a disposable rubber dampener. Save money with replacement PMA parts. McFarlane now has affordable repair parts for the original fluid dampener. Save over $400!

  • More cost effective than a throwaway unit
  • Proven design 
  • Seal kits include all necessary o-rings and backup rings
  • Repair kits include piston assembly, snap rings and housing o-ring
  • Hardware kit includes all nuts, bolts, washers, cotter keys and bushings to attach the shimmy dampener to the nose strut.
  • Kit components also sold separately

McFarlane's new Shimmy Dampener Assembly also available!

FAA-PMA approved improved temperature compensated shimmy dampeners
Longer life, repairable and better action for a lot less money!

For ordering details, browse our family of shimmy dampeners.

For dampener replacement parts, go to Shimmy Dampener Components.  

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
MS28775-011 O-RING
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
MS28775-215 O-RING
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
SDKT-1 SEAL KIT, Shimmy Dampener
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
SDKT-2 REPAIR KIT, Shimmy Dampener,
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
SDKT-3 REPAIR KIT, Shimmy Dampener,
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
SDKT-4 HARDWARE KIT, Shimmy Dampener
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
SDKT-5 SEAL KIT, Shimmy Dampener
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
SDKT-6 SEAL KIT, Shimmy Dampener
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
SDKT-7 SEAL KIT, Shimmy Dampener
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500

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