McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

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Seat Rail Extrusion

Ideal for the homebuilt aircraft!

For custom projects McFarlane offers eight design types. Blank extrusion can be cut to most any length and is sold by the inch. We can also custom machine to your specifications; call for details or submit the Custom Seat Rail Design Form.


Note: A custom cut fee of $30.00 will be added to each order of seat rail extrusion. A crate fee of $5.00 per rail will apply to every rail over 48" in length. 

Please note the following length restrictions by carrier: 

Domestic International
USPS Priority - up to 84" USPS Priority - up to 60"
USPS Parcel Post - up to 106" UPS - Up to 108"
UPS Ground - up to 108" FedEx Express - up to 106"
FedEx Ground - up to 108" Freight carrier - 109" to 180"
FedEx Express - up to 119"  
Freight carrier - 120" to 180"  

Note: Due to this product's length and required packing material, the estimated freight charge quoted at the time of checkout may not be correct. Additional shipping and crating charges on top of the quoted freight charge may also apply. For an accurate estimate of actual shipping costs, please email your address and preferred ship method to our Shipping department at

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
STE101 EXTRUSION, SEAT (.69 X 1.5) $3.37
STE102 EXTRUSION, SEAT (Tall Wide) $3.51
STE103 EXTRUSION, SEAT (.5 X 1.5) $3.41
STE104 EXTRUSION, SEAT (Carpet Guard) $3.78
STE108 EXTRUSION, Citation $3.83

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