McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

Product Search Results for "Cooling Shroud Kit"

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X Category: Steering Rod Boots

Steering Rod Boots for Cessna Aircraft 

These bad boys can take the abuse!

Catalog and Eligibility

McFarlane steering rod boots are Kevlar/fiberglass blend fabric. 

The fatigue resistance of Kevlar is uniquely mated with the fire resistance of fiberglass.

  • Keeps the exhaust and carbon monoxide out of the cabin
  • Protects the cabin in case of an engine fire



Maintenance Tip:

Cessna 182 boot failure occurs from radiant heat off of the exhaust system and flexing with the steering system. Cessna original boots are manufactured with a fragile fiberglass base material and peroxide cured silicone that becomes stiff and brittle. This system offers poor resistance to flexing fatigue which causes premature boot failure.

The 182 boot must be free from holes and leaks to prevent carbon monoxide from entering the cabin. It is normal for the exhaust system to leak exhaust at the component joints. Leaks in the firewall will allow exhaust and carbon monoxide to enter the cabin.


2,000 deg F Flame Test

New original boot failed in 40 seconds.

McFarlane boot still ready for more after 15 minutes! 

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
SRB-KT-1 KIT, Steering Rod Boot
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
SRB-KT-2 KIT, Steering Rod Boot
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500

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