McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

Product Search Results for "Cooling Shroud Kit"

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X Category: Throttle Controls

Throttle Controls for Dual Carburetor 912/914 Rotax Series Engines
Allows a neat, clean installation without a clunky splitter box

  • Quality metal construction and high temperature Teflon lined conduit for smooth, consistent control
    (Cheapy controls with poly liners will not tolerate engine temperatures)
  • Available in 4, 6, 8, 12 foot and custom lengths
    • Easily trimmed to length
  • Manufactured to the same quality standards as McFarlane's FAA-PMA parts


Includes throttle hardware kit P/N 6408 with lightweight throttle return P/N 6822 to prevent throttle creep

Panel Mount (MCT100D series):

Quadrant Style (MCQ100D series):

  • Convenient dual conduit clamp for simple quadrant mounting
  • Viton boot to dampen vibration and seal out dust on the quadrant end
  • Go to Quadrant Style Throttle Controls for more details

Vernier-Assist (MCTV0005D and MCVA0005-30DLLL series):

  • New roller action vernier provides smooth jam-proof coarse and fine adjustment without a release button
  • Light-weight and compact behind the dash
  • Go to Vernier-Assist Throttle Controls for more details

These controls are not for use on certified aircraft, or for use for flight controls or flight control trim tabs.

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
MCTV0005D144 CONTROL, Throttle Vernier-Assist,
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500

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