McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

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Torque Link Repair Kits for Cessna Aircraft 

Solves and prevents many wheel shimmy problems 

  • Expanded eligibility includes all Cessna aircraft models 150 thru 210
    • Includes 177 Cardinals and many aircraft with heavy duty landing gear
  • Complete FAA-PMA kits include all commonly replaced torque link parts 
  • Only McFarlane has shims in three thicknesses for a precision fit
  • Can You Stop Nose Gear Shimmy? by Dave McFarlane

For ordering information, go to Cessna Torque Link Repair

Torque Link Repair Kits for Piper Aircraft  

Prevents shimmy by removing looseness in the torque links

  • Convenient kits replace all common wear torque link components
  • Fits most prop driven Piper aircraft
  • Contains all FAA approved parts and standard hardware
  • Save time and money! No more research and ordering of individual parts
  • Can You Stop Nose Gear Shimmy? by Dave McFarlane

For ordering information, go to Piper Torque Link Repair 

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
TL-KT-10 TORQUE LINK KIT, Cessna, Nose Gear
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
TL-KT-11 TORQUE LINK KIT, Cessna, Nose Gear
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
TL-SHIM-KT-1 SHIM KIT, Torque Link
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500

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