McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

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X Category: Trim Tab Actuator Assembly

We now offer new FAA-PMA assemblies, replacement components, and services for your Trim Tab Actuator!

Buy new, or send yours in for service or repair.

1000 Hour Service per Cessna SE73-25 or service manual

  • Disassemble, clean, inspect, reset backlash, test, lubricate, and return to service
  • Includes new housing, sintered bearings, groove pins, O-rings, and nuts
  • Additional replacement parts available

New FAA-PMA assembly only $1,607.03 plus $150 core  

  • Save thousands $$$
  • In stock and ready to go
  • Stronger metals and longer lasting coatings for increased service life
  • Cores are accepted in any condition, as long as they are complete

Trim Tab Actuator for Cessna Aircraft

Stronger metals and longer lasting coatings for increased service life!

FAA-PMA P/N MC1260074-1

  • Save thousands $$$
  • Black Max™ coated stainless screw for wear and corrosion resistance 
  • Aluminum/bronze inner barrel prevents sub-zero lockup
  • Anodized sprocket resists chain wear
  • Economical actuator service and test, repair, or exchange services coming soon
    • Save hundreds $$$ with PMA repair parts for your actuator

McFarlane has developed a direct replacement trim tab actuator that incorporates many design improvements. Longer lasting coatings are utilized for increased service life, smoother operation, and improved corrosion resistance.

The Trim Tab Actuator is manufactured with high strength stainless steel alloy that has been nitro-carburized for maximum wear, low friction, and smoother thread operation than the OEM part. The sprocket is made from stronger aluminum, then anodized for wear and corrosion protection.

The known problems of original parts have been addressed and resolved with McFarlane’s new design!

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Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
$1607.03 + $150.00 Core Charge

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