McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

Product Search Results for "Cooling Shroud Kit"

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X Category: Vertical Fin Fitting

FAA-PMA approved for various Cessna 150 and 152 aircraft

Improved design for longer life and more reliability!

P/N VFF-KT-1 includes qty (1) fitting and all hardware to install

P/N VFF-KT-2 includes qty (2) fittings and all hardware to install

  • Save $$$
  • Complete installation kit includes necessary hardware, solid pilot counterbore, and reamer
  • Engineered for improved stress distribution 
  • Alodined for Corrosion resistance

Our design incorporates minor geometry improvements focusing primarily on stress concentration reductions, and the implementation of a superior aluminum alloy that should result in increased life of the part.

**Note: This Vertical Fin Fitting kit includes all the hardware needed for installation. You may receive NAS1149 hardware with the kit, which supersedes AN960 hardware (referenced in our ICA).

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