McFarlane is excited to announce new additions to our product list. We’ve expanded our offerings to better meet your needs. Stay tuned for more updates!
Enter one part number per line to quickly add multiple products to your cart. You can optionally enter a quantity after the part number separated by a space on the same line. If the part number has a space in it, the quantity must be specified even if 1.
The following will add 1 each of MCSK100, 3 each of MC600-72, and 1 each of SEAT STOP KIT 1:
MC600-72 3
seat stop kit 1 1
The CiES digital fuel quantity system utilizes a high technology sensor system that allows repeatable measurement of fuel in the aircraft tank
New! Turbocharger assemblies, controllers, wastegates, pressure release valves, and scavenge pumps. Factory new or rebuilt options available.
Contact us with anything. If we don’t have it, we’ll help you solve your challenge.